Lakes and ponds are the lowest point in the watershed and over time can fill in with deposits of rich organic sediments. Over time, these sediments are an accumulation of dead aquatic weed and algae growth, fish and other organisms and become a sink for nutrients that can cycle back to the water column and fuel additional growth degrading water quality.
Removing this organic build up is often required to restore water quality and to add depth to the pond. Conventional dredging can be problematic in urban settings. There often is not room to pump dredge spoils in a HOA or golf course pond environment.

One solution is to enhance the natural processes to digest this organic matter and increase water depth. This can be accomplished by our biologists using a combination of Nanobubble Technology and the addition of Probiotic natural bacteria cultures.

Dissolved oxygen levels in organic lake sediments is generally very low to zero. Dissolved Oxygen is key to the success of aerobic digestion of these organic sediments.
Nanobubble generators deliver high levels of dissolved oxygen right to the sediment interface and the interstitial waters within the sediments. These generators pump water from the lake though the nanobubble generator and inject nanobubble rich water back into the lake. Nanobubbles are very small, on the molecular level, and they are negatively buoyant and sink to and into the sediment layer throughout the lake. They then attach and burst delivering dissolved oxygen right into the sediments.

We install either a temporary or permanent Nanobubble Generator at the lake sized to the volume of the lake
We then apply Naturalake BioSciences MuckBiotics pellets evenly across the targeted area monthly. MuckBiotics pellets saturate the sediment layer with rare earth stimulants and a broad spectrum of natural aerobic bacterial cultures. This accelerates the digestion of organic matter

We measure the reduction in sediment depths over time to document the recovery of the lake from the impact of accumulated sediments. This process will not reduce deposition of sand or soils, but can greatly benefit the lake and avoid having to physically dredge organic sediments to restore water depth and lake health.
Our biologists can design a program that meets your needs. Please reach out if your pond needs remediation of organic sediments.
We also work with conventional dredging equipment when this approach isn’t suitable for your situation.