The Toolbox
Having the right water quality monitoring tools gives our scientists the ability to shine and problem solve.
Our team is equipped with state-of-the-art field water quality monitoring equipment. We can often determine conditions without having to resort to laboratory wait times and fees. These include Insitu multi-parameter probes, Turner Designs Fluorometer set up to detect Chlorophyll a and Phycocyanin (a pigment unique to cyanobacteria), and Abraxis algae toxin detection systems.
We are a dealer for remote water quality monitoring buoys that report through the cloud conditions in real-time. We can monitor hundreds of lakes and ponds remotely and respond to problems before they are visible to the lake users.
We operate state-of-the-art hydro-acoustic mapping systems that can rapidly build bathymetry maps and calculate water volume. These systems can also map aquatic plant biovolume and lake sediment composition, useful in our aquatic plant management and algae management programs.
We are partnered with the SePRO Technology and Research Campus (STRC) laboratories. This group is the leading supporting laboratory for algae management and water quality work nationally. Our partnership ensures a very rapid turnaround of samples submitted. Their algae id lab is one of the best in the Country.
As a Pro Certified Steward of Water, we have access to the technologies and training necessary to deploy a number of specialized aquatic herbicides. This experience allows us to selectively target and remove invasive aquatic weeds without harming native aquatic plant communities. It also allows us to access new technologies well before the rest of the lake management community.
Toxic algae can’t thrive in the absence of the nutrients they need to grow and reproduce. Phosphorus is generally the limiting nutrient and the focus of in-lake strategies to prevent toxic algae production. Our team has worked with phosphorus sequestering technologies for decades. We have the equipment and team to do any size lake restoration project.
Water Quality Monitoring Solutions is our Passion
Total Lake Management Service Programs are also something we excel at. We work for public agencies and lake communities to provide turnkey management programs for their waterbodies.
Nanobubble generators are a new technology we began to explore about 1.5 years ago. These systems charge the lake with nanobubbles, extremely small bubbles that deliver oxygen to the lake sediments. These bubbles will also attach to algae cells, burst, and oxidize both the cells and toxins present. These systems when property-sized and installed with provide 24/7 algae management as well as dramatically improve water quality.
We represent Kasco Marine, manufacturers of lake aeration systems and fountains. These systems when properly sized help maintain both water quality and the aesthetics of the waterbody.
Remote lake management programs are also a new technology we are deploying. Combining remote monitoring buoys to track algae conditions and nanobubble systems, we can both monitor your lake and adjust algae control according to conditions that present themselves remotely.